National Moment of Remembrance

Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who died while serving our country in the military. Memorial Day, officially proclaimed by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic on May 5, 1868 was initially observed on May 30, 1868. During this observance, flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. New York was the first state to officially celebrate the holiday in 1873. Today almost every U.S. state celebrates Memorial Day on the last Monday in May. Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 passed Memorial Day.

It is unfortunate that with the traditional observance of Memorial Day, the meaning is forgotten. Some people think that the day is for honoring any of our dead and not just the fallen soldiers who served our country. It is reported that the graves at many cemeteries have been ignored and neglected.

To help Americans remember the true meaning of Memorial Day, the “National Moment of Remembrance” resolution was passed on Dec 2000. This resolution, by President William Jefferson Clinton, asks that all Americans voluntarily and informally observe a moment of remembrance and respect on this day, at 3:00pm their local time, to pause from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or to listen to “Taps.” The Moment of Remembrance is a beginning to what we need in order to return to the original meaning of this day. Today and every day, let us take the time to remember, reflect and honor our fallen men and women who served and defended our country. They are our true heroes for helping us maintain the freedom that we sometimes take for granted in this country.

If you would like to pay tribute to someone who served in the military and has passed away, feel free to leave their name and the branch of military they served, in the comment section of this blog or on our Facebook wall.

  1. […] the true meaning of why Memorial Day was established and for whom it was established for.  Read more… Leave a Comment LikeBe the first to like this […]


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