Posts Tagged ‘National Family Reading Week’

Celebrating National Family Reading Week with Favorite Things for a CAUSEWhat are you and your family planning this week in order to kick off and commemorate National Family Reading Week? We are completely taken back by the alarming illiteracy statistics in this country. All too often, families do not have that quality time together to sit down and eat, get involved with recreational activities or to empower the family by reading together.

If you and your family have not engaged in spending quality time to read together, then this week is the ideal time to begin a regular schedule to do so. Make it fun and engaging for the whole family. This will encourage parents and children to pick up a good recommended book that the whole family can read, enjoy and participate in family discussions about the book once everyone has finished.

Reading has always been a fundamental requirement of the learning process because it affects every facet of our lives. Let’s work together to help bring those alarming illiteracy statistics down and starting with National Family Reading Week, this is a good start off point to begin.